Server Essentials | 2025 Catalog

43.8 lbs Standard Pump 35.7 lbs Thick Pump 12.5 lbs Lever Pump Fountain Jar Pumps Stainless Steel Pumps • T ake the guesswork out of serving with portion-control pumps for countertop, drop-in or slanted fountainette applications • P recise portions control food costs and ensure flavor consistency; portions adjust in 1⁄8-oz increments • D rop-in (DI) models have a higher discharge point for additional serving clearance • T hick Pump (TP) models reduce dispensing force needed when working with especially thick or thicker products; model 80879 with lever assist dispenses thick caramel and fudge with ease • C oordinate pump knob with store theme or contents within; specify color and text when ordering (see p 9 for details) dispenses model/item application pump & lid fit (jar not incl.) full portion 4 1⁄ 2" W x 7 1⁄ 8" D x H above jar dp weight a FP-200V 82130 2-qt fountain jar (white 82558, black 83147, orange 83148) 1 oz 5 1⁄8" 2 5⁄16" 3 lb FP-200 82100 (angled discharge) 1 oz 5 1⁄8" 2 7⁄8" FP-200 DI 80030 (angled & drop-in use) 1 oz 5 13⁄16" 5 5⁄16" CP-200 83300 2-qt fountain jar (white 82558, black 83147, orange 83148) 1 oz 5 1⁄16" 4 1⁄8" 3 lb TP-200V 86750 1 oz 5 1⁄8" 2 5⁄16" b FP-V 82120 3 1⁄2-qt fountain jar (white 82557, black 83149, orange 83156) 1 1⁄4 oz 5 1⁄8" 2 9⁄16" 3 lb FPV-DI 82520 (use DI for drop-in) 1 1⁄4 oz 9 1⁄4" 8 1⁄2" FP Compact 81416 3 1⁄2-qt fountain jar (compact, angled discharge) 1 oz 5 1⁄4" TBD 2 lb FP 82070 (angled discharge) 1 1⁄4 oz 5 1⁄8" 3" 3 lb c FP-DI 82990 (angled & drop-in use) 1 1⁄4 oz 9 5⁄16" 8 3⁄4" CP-F 83330 3 1⁄2-qt fountain jar (white 82557, black 83149, orange 83156) 1 1⁄4 oz 5 1⁄8" 4" 3 lb CP-F 2 oz 87660 2 oz 6 1⁄8" 4" TP-V 86760 1 1⁄4 oz 5 3⁄16" 2 9⁄16" d TPV-L 80879* 1 oz 9 5⁄16" 2 15⁄16" Leverage your toppings. Take the pain out of serving thick caramel, fudge and marshmallow creme. See component guide featured on p 39 d POUNDS of PRESSURE to DISPENSE FUDGE *Support bracket (100001) prevents tipping when used in SR-2, SR-3 or SR-4 bases. a Fits 2-qt Jar Countertop Base b Fits 31⁄2-qt Jar Countertop Base c Fits 31⁄2-qt Jar, Drop-In Slanted Fountainette Discharge Point (dp) Using 48-oz pouches? See p 12 to dispense from your fountain jar. 18