Server Essentials | 2025 Catalog

Lids & Accessories Inspirational Examples FroYo Topping Station item description (1) SR-4 82550 non-insulated base (holds 6 slim jars) (6) 83182 slim fountain jars, 2 qt (2) FP-V 85300 syrup pumps, slim (4) 83214 clear hinged lids (4) 82976 (deep jar) ladles Condiment Station comes complete with: item description (1) SR-4 82550 non-insulated base (holds 4 standard, deep fountain jars) (4) 83149 standard, deep fountain jars, 3 1⁄2 qt (4) CP-F-83330 fountain jar pumps, deep j k g h i l m n o Use ice packs with an insulated base to keep product cool for up to 4 hours We’re here to help — let’s chat at, 800.558.8722 or Station creation can be tricky. STATIONS item description jar style g 80310 clear plastic hinged lid standard h 82559 stainless steel lift-off lid i 82545 stainless steel hinged lid j 81415 stainless steel disher lid k 80443 stainless steel lid lock l 83214 clear plastic hinged lid slim m 83189 stainless steel lift-off lid n 83184 stainless steel hinged lid o 100515 universal ice pack either 1-2-3- 4 Select lids and other accessories 41