Server Essentials | 2025 Catalog

“I can’t recall a single complaint.” Fraction Control “Thank you for your continued attention to service and quality.” Server pumps dispense precise portions every time, providing you ultimate cost control. By reducing your portion size by just an eighth of an ounce, which will have no perceivable impact on patron experience, Portion Optimization™ savings can really add up. In this example, a single stainless steel pump that lists for $215 pays for itself in just under six months. Now multiply the annual savings times the number of ingredients you serve every day and you’ll start to see a significant impact on your bottom line! Start saving today by connecting with your local Server representative at Tom Marranca has been an equipment and supply manager for Dairy Queen® for 38 years. In his time supplying Server Pumps and Warmers to locations throughout Canada, he says he receives so few issues with the products, he doesn’t remember any complaints. Not only are our pumps built to last — we build long-term relationships to ensure customer satisfaction. 11⁄ 8 oz 7⁄ 8 oz 1⁄ 2 oz Portion Optimization™ Savings Reduction Size 1⁄ 8 oz (.125 oz) 1 oz 7⁄ 8 oz Cost Per Serving $0.10 $0.0875 Servings Per Day x 100 x 100 Operating Days Per Year 360 360 Annual Flavor Cost $3,600 $3,150 Annual Savings $450 © 2019, Dairy Queen is a registered trademark of the American Dairy Queen Corporation. PUMPS & DISPENSERS 1⁄4 oz 7