Does Server have a printed catalog or supporting literature like brochures or spec sheets?
Yes, and no. Our product catalog has gone completely digital. However, there are several brochures addressing equipment needs by food served (high-volume serving solutions, beverage program equipment) or specific market type such as colleges & schools or items pertaining to equipment specifiers that are available in both print and digital.
Digital brochures are listed on our Resouces page when the Media Type of Brochures is chosen; choose the order form to place an order for printed copies.
How do I know how old my equipment is?

Where is the Model and Part Number on my Server product?
Electrical Units | instrument panel side or bottom of the base
Pumps | lid
Stations | back panel or bottom of base
What is the minimum order amount?
There is a $25.00 Net minimum order.
What are my payment options?
In most cases, Server Products is able to extend terms of Net 30 billing to companies that buy in larger volumes and have successfully applied for credit.
Those with infrequent purchasing habits may be asked to pay with a credit card. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
All Credit Card orders must be prepaid before shipment and are subject to a 3% service fee at the time of order.
Why doesn't the plunger on my pump return to the starting position?
Most plunger problems are due to either a missing washer or a broken/missing spring.
The washer is necessary to compress the spring. If this piece is missing, your plunger will not return. To order a washer, reference part number 82015.
A well-used spring can become worn out or broken. When this happens, you may notice the plunger does not return as it should. Please check your owners manual or contact us for the part number you will need to reference in ordering your replacement part.
What does your warranty cover?
Server products are backed by a 2-year limited warranty against manufacturing defects (material or workmanship).
What is the labor rate for repair service?
The repair labor rate is $65.00 per hour - as of June 1, 2014.
Why can't I return electrical components?
For liability reasons, we are unable to accept returns for electrical components such as thermostats, heating elements, or thermal cut-offs.
How long will it take to ship my order?
In many cases we are able to ship within 48 hours of receiving an order. We will return an expected lead time if your order is unusually large, which is perfectly okay.
What are Server Products' FOB terms?
FOB-Origin and FOB-Richfield WI
What does FOB mean?
FOB stands for Free On Board which is a term that is used with an identified physical location to determine 1) the point at which title for the shipment passes from the seller (Server Products) to the buyer AND 2) the responsibility and basis for payment of freight charges.
What does FOB-Origin mean?
The buyer assumes title and control of the goods the moment the carrier signs the Bill of Lading. They, the buyer assumes risk of transportation and is entitled to route the shipment. Lastly, the buyer is responsible for filing claims of loss or damage.
Who pays the freight charges when terms are FOB-Origin?
FOB location terms may qualified by modifers. The modifier determines the payment of the transportation charges. Modifiers denote nothing about the title of the goods or filing of the claims. The 2 most common modifiers are COLLECT and PREPAID & ADD.
If Server Products requires FOB-Origin, what are my options and what do they mean?
FOB ORIGIN - Buyer pays freight charges, Buyer bears freight charges, Buyer owns goods in transit, and buyer files claims (if any). *
FOB ORIGIN, freight collect - Buyer pays freight charges, Buyer bears freight charges, Buyer owns goods in transit, and Buyer files claims (if any). *
FOB ORIGIN, freight prepaid - Seller pays freight charges, Seller bears freight charges, Buyer owns goods in transit, and Buyer files claims (if any). *
FOB ORIGIN, freight prepaid & add - Seller pays freight charges, Buyer bears freight charges, Buyer owns goods in transit, and Buyer files claims (if any). *
*Server Products will always provide assistance to any customer needing to file loss or damage claims.
Why does Server only use FOB Origin terms?
If there is obvious damage that is not noted by the receiver or if the packaging is destroyed by the receiver, there is no way to substantiate that the damage ocurred in shipment. Only the receiver has control over these factors. Server Products does not.
Why does my pump leak around the locking collar?
The locking collar is not designed to seal in your food product. If you have this problem, it is due to a problem with your seal assembly. A properly working seal assembly prevents your food product from entering the large cylinder. Seal failure has 3 main causes: worn out, missing or installed upside down.
What do those certification icons mean?
Visit our Certifications page to learn more.
I want to make custom graphics. Do you have a template or guidelines?
Templates for branding Server dispensers
Branded decals can coordinate your store theme, identify product or create excitment. Quite a bit of our equipment is manufactured with magnetic stainless steel, which makes application a breeze.
The most commonly requested models by operators, chains and fun food people are on our Templates page. If what you need isn't shown, let us know and we'll supply a template to precisely fit your Server product.