Station Creation Series | Make a Brat and Burger Station
How-To & Culinary
Created | 2018.05.23
Updated | 2021.07.26
If you’ve ever struggled creating a topping station, we don’t blame you. Finding the perfect configuration can be a tough task – but we’re here to help! Follow along with our Station Creation Guide to see just how easy it is!
With warm weather comes sporting events; with sporting events come hungry fans – time to stock your concession stand condiment bar.
While looking into equipment, you know you’re going to offer burgers, brats and hot dogs. And whether you’re planning this condiment bar for a small community ball park, a stadium concession stand or a beach front food kiosk, there will always be two must-have condiments: ketchup and mustard.
For additional flavor, pickle relish and diced onions are also safe to supply.
1. Choose your Base
You’ll need two jars with pumps for the ketchup and mustard, and two jars with lids and ladles for the relish and onion for a total of 4 standard-sized fountain jars. Select Server’s 4-jar insulated countertop base (SB-4 83600).
2. Select your Jars
Because ketchup and mustard are ubiquitous at any concession stand, it’s safe to say you’ll go through a lot. Standard, deep fountain jars hold 3.5 qt (3.3 L), which equals about (112) 1 oz servings, or about (150) .75 oz servings.
2 qt (1.9 L) standard, shallow jars will work well for the onions and relish.
3. Select pumps, lids and accessories
Pumps on the Station Creation Guide are separated by what type of jar and base they fit; for this station, locate the “deep fountain jar” pump and lid fit with the countertop base style.
Next, think of what you’re dispensing. The “Dispenses” key will show three icons for thin, thick and thicker. Ketchup and mustard fall under thick, the middle droplet; therefore, your ideal pump will be the CP-F 83330.
Quick tip: When you see “FP” think Fountain Pump and “CP,” think Condiment Pump – “TP,” or thick pumps are for special toppings that require extra force to dispense, like thicker caramel and fudge sauces or pumpable peanut butter.
For the relish and onion jars, the clear hinged lid for standard jars will allow guests to see contents at a self-serve station, and employees can quickly check the fill level. The proper ladle for shallow, standard fountain jars is the 7”, 1 oz ladle (82562), so you’ll select 2 each of the lid and ladle.

Burger and Brat Builder Components
(1) 83600 | SB-4
(2) 83149 | Standard, deep jar, black
(2) 83147 | Standard, shallow jar, black
(2) 83330 | CP-F, condiment pump
(2) 82562 | Ladle, 7” handle, 1 oz
(2) 80310 | Clear, plastic hinged lid, standard jars
(4) 100515 | Universal ice packs
Fun Fact! Stainless steel pump knobs come in a range of colors, and can be engraved. Choose red and yellow for easy identification!